Sunday, May 16, 2010

I have deleted a "prophecy" that was no prophecy, but rather my mistaken heart

In every Christian's life it is required of us to take correction and check whether we are truly hearing from the LORD, or whether the heart has led us astray. I honestly believed that my "prophecy" of 5/6/2010 was a word from the LORD regarding something Christians in this nation could undertake as a way of showing mercy to others and causing a harvest of mercy for ourselves.

A person I know and trust has corrected me quite gently and shown me that this was rather something from my heart rather than the LORD. Put bluntly, I missed the LORD on this one and read Him quite incorrectly. Praise God that he was generous enough to offer the observation!!

I therefore withdraw this "prophecy," as no prophecy at all, but rather the heart's thinking of one very scared American Christian who knows her nation is facing imminent, horrible judgement that cannot be ameliorated in any sense.

The LAST thing I want to do is be a false prophet, so I will repeat myself quite soundly:

The "prophecy" I issued on 5/6/2010 IS NOT A TRUE PROPHECY, NOT A TRUE WORD FROM THE LORD. I missed the LORD on this one; misread Him completely. America, get ready, because there's going to be no letup whatsoever. All that remains is judgement.